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Program festivala će se održavati u skladu sa predloženim prventivnim merama u cilju suzbijanja epidemije COVID-19.

Monday November 9th at 17:30 / Dorćol Platz – Dobračina 59 / Outdoors performance


Ludifiko / Serbia
free program for all ages / duration 35’
Discipline: juggling with fire
Concept and performed by: Mira Beba Dobrković / Tanja Milanović / Aleksandra Kolčanova
Consultant: Nikola Zavišić
Music: Ilija Rudović (Rudhaman) / Milojko Jarić (Tebra) / Nikola Tintor (Tinik)
Video: Daniel Stavro Girizd / Nikola Zavišić
Costume: Aleksandra Kolčanova / Đorđe Kolarski
Design: Dragomir Vukanović
Lyric support: Panonski brodolomac (Panonian shipwrecker)
Light, sound: Vladislav Janjić

Monday November 9th. at 19:00 / Drugstore Belgrade – Bulevar despota Stefana 115

Wednesday / November 11th at 19:00 and at 20:00 / CZKD – Birčaninova 21

Evening of work in progress / free entrance

0 /ZERO/

Cirkusfera / Serbia
Discipline: acrobatics / balance
Duration 35’
Concept and performed by: Vladana Manić / Nemanja Jovanović / Danka Sekulović / Hristina Šormaz / Milan Manić
Muzic / live act : Filip Jevtić

Saturday November 14th at 19:00 / CZKD – Birčaninova 21


Discipline: various / all ages / duration 90’
Entrance fee: participation on voluntary bases and subjective experience.



The workshops are free for attending and they are organized on the principle of individual donations and support for the instructors.

7- 9.11.// 11:00-13:30 // KC Magacin – Kraljevića Marka 4-8

Aerial explorations

Held in a period from the 7th t to the 9th of November starting at 11:00 am to 13:00 pm at KC Magacin Kraljevica Marka 4-8

Aerial explorations

The workshop is held by Cata Aguajo / OLGA_analognicirkus

Middle / professional level

The workshop explores aerial acrobatics where attendants may choose their props for practicing (silk, ring, trapeze..). We shall research various body dynamics that lead to fluent and authentic movement: the body structure and its articulation, the use of weight, the awareness of muscle tonus, breathing, and spatial relations. We shall search for specific authenticity as circus artists by relying on various theater techniques.

Apply at: until November 4th.

10-12.11. // 10:00-14:00 // KC Magacin – Kraljevića Marka 4-8

Experimental juggling

Held in a period from the10th to the 12th of November..11:00 am to 14:00 pm  at KC Magacin – Kraljevića Marka 4-8

Experimental juggling

The workshop is held by Valentina Santori / Kolektiv Protokol

The workshop is open for artists coming from various performing arts: jugglers, acrobats, modern and hip hop dancers and other performers. The workshop is related to exploration of space using personal techniques and skills. This workshop will focus on contextual and semi-improvised juggling apart from contemporary juggling and space exploration.

Apply at: until November 7th.

11-13.11. // 11:00-14:00 // KC Magacin – Kraljevića Marka 4-8

Contortionism / akcro-dance

Held in a period from the11th to the 13th of November..11:00 am to 14:00 pm  at KC Magacin – Kraljevića Marka 4-8

Contortionism / akcro-dance

The workshop is held by Marina Čeri

Beginners / middle level

The goal of this workshop is to acquire tools for long term improvement. The focus is on progressive improvement, techniques and research concepts of acrobatic movement. The workshop is intended for those who wish to raise body awareness and find more flexibility in their movements, and apply the new knowledge in circus disciplines and dance styles.

Apply at: until November 8th