MismoNismo: NOise Cirkus

NOise Cirkus Talks about the relationship between humans and human-made objects in a post-modern consumer-orientated society. It is a circus and musical semi-improvised performance which is using attributes of noise music and importing them into circus language through exploration of discarded objects a.k.a trash. In a sense how noise music emancipates the sound from having to correspond to established melodical schemes and ways of sound-producing, we want to diversify the formal propositions of contemporary circus practices and tear up some of its constraints.
The project is affirmative towards the mentality of recycling and creative approaches it takes to put that mentality into practice. We are exploring where and how the two worlds of objects and human beings can meet, connect, intertwine.
It can as well be understood as addressing the themes of material culture, hyper-production, hyper-consumption, neglect of our environment,... In a consumerist society we are surrounded by more human-made objects than ever before and this abundance proposes the question of value we put (or not) on objects and when they lose it. The project is an ethnographic circus documentary. By portraying discarded objects that were found in a particular trash dump in an old bicycle factory Rog, it is in a sense revisiting a window of history from Slovenian post-socialist transitional period until recent times and showing us the history and quite possible our future from the perspective of human waste.
MismoNismo [eng. WeAreWeAren’t) is a new alt-art circus collective based in Slovenia. We are pessimists who want to embrace the uncertainty of the future through experiences of the present. Our aesthetic is raw, experimental and full of flaws. To us Form is an experiment and the Idea is everything.
Even before we met, circus to us meant a form of rebellion. We didn’t like how the society was run, we despised the mainstream pop culture and we thought we knew better. Then we grew up and became MismoNismo. For now there is tree of us – Oton, Eva and Tjaž. We are the product of the very small and undeveloped circus scene in Slovenia. We don't want to proclaim ourselves as Trash, but we would like to point out the status of a renegade that circus and has in Slovenia. We exist and at the same time we do not, ergo MismoNismo.
Acknowledgement of the situation of three of us as young circus enthusiasts, having and willing to co-create or appropriate the means of production in the field of contemporary circus in Slovenia in order to develop and grow, might shed another light on the the artistic choices of the project.
CircusNext PLaTFoRM
"CircusNext PLaTFoRM" is a project for the development and promotion of a contemporary circus in Europe. It is designed as a platform for European cultural organizations in the field of contemporary circus art, with the aim of recognizing perspective and innovative circus authors, providing financial, residential, mentoring and administrative support in producing plays and increasing the visibility of young, unrepresented artists and groups in front of European professionals in order to secure future work in.
<a href="http://cirkobalkana.org/en/circus-next-3/">Read more</a>