They’re like the sky and the earth... like black and white... night and day… like tutti-frutti… they are „BeTwEeN ExTrEmEs “.
It is a show performed by two clowns, different in every way... but, somehow, they mesh well together.
Trying to perform a variety of acts, Ludek and Žulee run into difficulties that only they can complicate even further and later on resolve… at the joy of everyone... primarily the audience.
The show is sprinkled with juggling acts, partnered acrobatics, magic tricks and music, alsowith lots of audience interaction.
Performed by: Zoran Vukić, Nikola Dabac
Duration: 45 min
Zoran Vukić (Klaun Ludek)
Circus artist, street performer, juggler, clown, musician, dancer, producer, educator...
Since 1994 he has been active in the circus world in both Croatia and abroad. As a performer he has been a part of numerous productions which implemented circus techniques, so he often had a chance todip his toes in theatre, contemporary dance andperformance as well.As one of Croatia’s circus pioneers, he broke the ice and brought on the possibility of younger generations of circus artists, coming in from various social circles.
Through the “ANTUNTUN” association, since the year 2000, a new world of social circus has opened up for him, and as a noble upgrade to his activist circus work, in 2010 he started the RED NOSES clown doctors initiative, which he is still running today.
Nikola Dabac (Mesje Žulee)
Musician, actor, entertainer- he entered the new clown world in 2010 by joining the clown doctor initiative RED NOSES, through which he got to know and love the clown style. Creatively restless, he’s been active in music through several bands, active in theatre, as well as active in his clown work as a clown doctor.
The show “BeTwEeN ExTrEmEs” is produced by the ANTUNTUN foundation- The Foundation for Boredom Dispersion, which has since the year 2000 been promoting meaningful spending of free time through activities connected to circus skills, which can be used as an accessibletool available to anyone, and as a medium for various at-risk groupsor individuals wishing to improve their wellbeing through self-realization, as well as improving the community’s cultural wellbeing in general.