Trapeze and aerial hoop with Javierom Varelom Carrera (Laden Classe, IT)
18th to 20th of September,
3 hours daily
Fixed trapeze and aerial hoop stage, introduction to dynamic movement and research are the concepts that will be analyzed.
The internship will develop in 3 blocks:
1) Heating: the body will be ready to be ready for the aearial work from a physical point of view, sensitivity and intuizone through exercises of dance and acrobatics that will allow the body to warm up and discover the different directions in a larger space . The exercises that will be proposed on the ground will be the preparation for what will be worked in research and on the tool.
2) Introduction to dynamic work on the trapezium and aerial hoop: specific propaedeutic exercises will be proposed to approach the dynamic aerial technique, meeting the needs of each individual student and then moving on to a more specific technical work.
3) Research: the search for new movements and figures, through the loss of rationality, in space so that instinct develops naturally
Kotization: 6000rsd
You can apply on:, latest until 5th of September 2018. with subject:Trapeze/ring
In application write your name and surname, how experienced are you and your phone number.