Roundtable: The non-aligned circus and its place within culture

Roundtable at the Cotemporary circus festival Cirkobalkana - The non-aligned circus and its place within culture

We hereby invite you to take part at the roundtable discussion regarding the contemporary  circus and its place within contemporary cultural scene in Serbia, that will take place on Friday 21st of September from 10h to 13h in SKC Fabrika, Novi Sad.

Through its rich history, the circus we know today is going through different phases of development, takes on a variety of forms and often changes the place of performance - from the tent as the original circus stage, through cabaret, street, theater, sports hall etc. Regardless of everything, surely, he was called a new, contemporary, classical, traditional or otherwise, the circus is still a circus and as such belongs to the performing arts.

Circus is an art that has its own technique, skill and is presented to the audience in an unlimited number of forms. That's why it's perhaps most right to say that what is currently causing our attention - an non-aligned circus. In a country that cannot boast of the rich circus tradition and the country where the word circus is used exclusively in political clips, this may be the best description of the current view of the circus

The intention of this roundtable is to point out problems and challenges that contemporary circus companies and professionals are facing, such as lack of continuous and strategic support in terms of (co)production, residencies and financing, and to create a space for public debate regarding potential solutions and cooperation with key policymakers and representatives of cultural centers, institutions and funds.

The roundtable shall take place in SKC Fabrika (Bulevar despota Stefana 5, Novi Sad).

Ovim putem Vas pozivamo da u petak, 21.9. od 10-13h učestvujete na okruglom stolu o savremenom cirkusu i njegovom položaju u savremenoj srpskoj kulturi.

Kroz svoju bogatu istoriju, cirkus kakvog danas poznajemo, prolazi kroz različite faze razvoja, poprima najrazličitije oblike i često menja mesto izvođenja – od šatora kao prvobitne cirkuske pozornice, preko kabarea, ulice, teatra, sportskih objekata itd. Bez obzira na sve jedno je sigurno, zvao se on novi, savremeni, klasični, tradicionalni ili bilo kako drugačije, cirkus je i dalje cirkus i kao takav pripada izvodjačkoj umetnosti.

Cirkus je umetnost koja ima svoju tehniku, veštinu i predstavlja se publici u neograničenom broju formi. Zato je možda najpravednije reći da je ono što trenutno zaokuplja našu pažnju  – nesvrstani cirkus. U zemlji koja se ne može pohvaliti bogatom cirkuskom tradicijom, i zemlji gde se reč cirkus koristi isključivo u političkim floskulama, ovo je možda najbolji opis trenutnog pogleda na cirkus.

S tim u vezi okrugli sto će biti koncipiran tako da se ukaže na probleme i prepreke koje u svom radu imaju savremene cirkuske grupe i pojedinci u Srbiji kao što je izostanak kontinuirane i osmišljene koprodukcijske, rezidencijalne i finansijske podrške, i da se sa ključnim donosiocima odluka kulturnih centara, ustanova i fondova otvori javna diskusija o mogućim rešenjima i potencijalnoj saradnji.

The round table is part of the advocacy activities of the CPuP platform supported by the Culture Foundation Nova.

Okrugli sto će biti organizovan u SKC Fabrika, Bulevar despota Stefana 5, Novi Sad.

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