Cirkobalkana is a regional travelling festival. This years’ edition started in collaboration with Močvara Club and Pogon Jedinstvo in Zagreb during May. Its 12 days of miscellaneous art program have gathered many lovers of the circus arts. The festival continues in Belgrade in September.
This year’s festival presents a synergy of Cirkobalkana, Bitef Festival, The French Institute and one of the most innovative French circus troupes Un Loup pour l’homme and their project Ride&Camp. We are driven by a desire to deepen the exchange of circus practices and the collaboration between domestic, regional and European contemporary circus scene. The concept of this year’s festival will be the focus of various creative processes adjusted to the environment in which the performances are being created. The selection of artwork will represent the contemporary diversity of the circus thought among the regional artists and the wider European circus scene, which is embodied in engagement, experiment, political activity, and through the relationship with the audience.
During nine days, seven plays, three master classes for professional development, presentations of joint residential programs of young artists from the region and France, concerts, exhibitions, performances and round tables will be held in a conceptual artistic space in the center of Belgrade. This will be a unique experiment of artists and the circus artistic community!
We are confident that the Belgrade edition of Cirkobalkana 7 will offer a unique experience, respond to a wide range of art tastes and indulge circus appetites. It is upon you to make a choice!
The core of this project are five artists from Croatia and Serbia, who in 2013 launched the Cirkobalkana Festival based on the idea of their own space – a circus tent, a space that would be functional for all regional circus artists, a space that exist in the form of a nomadic educational institution – a kind of circus artist nursery. Cirkobalkana Festival hosts the most diverse artists from the contemporary circus world; simultaneously representing small and emerging regional productions and collaborating with larger and more recognized circus collectives, companies and individual artists from all over the world. With such an approach to the festival’s organization, an idea is to create an atmosphere that encourages socializing and possible future collaboration among all the artists who are present at the festival or are just there as visitors.

Ride & Camp
Ride & Camp je nomadski projekat koji se realizuje u toku 2019. godine i ogleda se u povezivanju francuske kompanije Un Loup pour l’homme sa partnerima u jugoistočnoj Evropi radi stvaranja dijaloga i novih umetničkih inicijativa.
Suština projekta je putovanje i povezivanje naše početne tačke sa nekoliko odredišta jugoistočne Evrope ( Slovenija, Hrvatska, Srbija, Rumunija, Albanija, Kosovo…) na kojima se članovi ULPH predstavljaju svojim kreacijama, radionicama kao i znanjem o savremenom cirkusu. Osnovna ideja projekta je upoznavanje organizacija, umetnika i institucija koje podržavaju pojavu savremenog cirkusa na ovim prostorima. Un loup pour l homme u saradnji sa Cirkobalkana festivalom kroz aktivnosti projekta Ride & Camp učestvuje u globalnom pokretu prateći razvoj aktivnosti i projekata pružanjem podrške lokalnim umetnicima i njihovim novim inicijativama i kreacijama.
Projekat Ride & Camp odvija se u saradnji Un Loup pour l’homme (Francuska), Cirkusfere i KC Magacina (Srbija) i Cirkorame (Hrvatska), Cirkokrogom (Slovenija) i Zagrebačkim Plesnim Centrom , uz podršku Francuskog instituta, Teatroskopa, Erasmus+ i Grada Lila, Ministarstva kulture Republike Francuske, Regije Haut-de-France i DRAC (Francuska).
Ride & Camp is a nomad project which is being realized in 2019 and it is defined through the connection of the French company Un Loup pour l’homme with the partners from South East Europe with the idea of creating dialogue and new art initiatives.
The essence of the project is travelling and connecting our starting point with several destinations in South East Europe (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Romania, Albania, Kosovo…) where the members of Un Loup pour l’homme present their creations, workshops and knowledge of modern circus. The basic idea of the project is getting acquainted and organizing artist and institutions which support the emersion of contemporary circus in these parts. Un Loup pour l’homme in collaboration with Cirkobalkana festival and through the activities of the project Ride & Camp take part in a global movement by following the development of activities and projects and supporting local artists and their new initiatives and creations.
Project Ride & Camp takes place in a collaboration of Un Loup pour l’homme (France), Cirkusfera and KC Magacin ( Serbia), Cirkorama ( Zagreb) and Zagreb Dance Centre with the support of the French Institute, Teatroskop, Erasmus+ and the City of Lille, the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of France, Region Haut-de-France and DRAC (France).